OPTBank Workshop to Design New Modules in 2019 produces modules in banking and finance to be implemented in Postgraduate and Undergraduate program in universities in Indonesia. The pilot project for module implementation is conducted in Universitas Sebelas Maret and Institut Teknologi Bandung. Some of courses in Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Sebelas Maret are conducted by implementing the OPTBank modules in banking and finance.

1) Theory of Financial Intermediation

Theory of Financial Intermediation is a new course for Doctoral Program in Economics. The content of this course is 70% based on the modules developed in the OPTBank project.

  • Degree : Doctoral Program in Economics
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers : Team Teaching collaborated with regulators
    • Irwan Trinugroho – UNS (PiC)
    • Tastaftiyan Risfandy – UNS
    • Inka Yusgiantoro – Indonesia Financial Services Authority
    • Bambang Pramono – Bank Indonesia
    • Herman Saheruddin – Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Method : Lecturing and Discussion
  • Course Syllabus               : (download here)
  • Notes: 70% of the contents is based on the modules developed in OPTBank Project. Some of the modules as references used in this course:
    • OPTBank Module 1 – Banking Institutions and Bank Risk Management
    • OPTBank Module 2 – Market Structure, Competition and Efficiency of Banking Markets
    • OPTBank Module 3 – Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions
    • OPTBank Module 5 – Indonesian Banking and Financial Market Structure and Regulation
    • OPTBank Module 6 – Banking Regulation and Financial Stability
    • OPTBank Module 7 – Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening
    • OPTBank Module 8 – Islamic Banking
    • OPTBank Module 9 – Operational Research and Artificial Intelligent-based Technique


2) Financial Technology

Financial Technology is a new elective course offered in Undergraduate Program in Management. This course was also included in the list of courses in the PERMATA SAKTI Program. Under this program, this course is offered to students in all public universities in Indonesia. In the odd semester 2020, 50 students from different universities took this course. 30% of the contents of this course is based on the modules developed in the OPTBANK project.

  • Degree : Undergrauduate Program in Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers : Dr. Irwan Trinugroho – UNS (PiC)
  • Method : Lecturing and Discussion
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes:
  • This course is included in the PERMATA SAKTI Program offered to students in all public universities in Indonesia. In the odd semester 2020, 49 students from different universities took this course.
  • 30% of the contents is based on the modules developed in OPTBank Project. Some of the modules as references used in this course:
    • OPTBank Module 1 – Banking Institutions and Bank Risk Management
    • OPTBank Module 5 – Indonesian Banking and Financial Market Structure and Regulation
    • OPTBank Module 7 – Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening


3) Theory of Corporate Finance

On the course of Theory of Corporate Finance offered at the Doctoral Program in Economics, there are some modules developed by OPTBANK project that have been inserted in the syllabus of this course.

  • Degree : Doctoral Program in Economics
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers : Lecturing, discussion and presentation
    • Irwan Trinugroho – UNS (PiC)
    • Atmaji – UNS
    • Bambang Hadinugroho – UNS
  • Method : Lecturing, Discussion, and Presentation
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to this existing course:
    • OPTBank Module 3 – Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions
4) International Financial Management

On the course of International Financial Management offered at the Master of Management Program, there are some modules developed by OPTBANK project that have been inserted in the syllabus of this course.

  • Degree : Master of Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers : Lecturing, discussion and presentation
    • Irwan Trinugroho – UNS (PiC)
    • Tastaftiyan Risfandy – UNS
  • Method : Lecturing, Discussion, and Presentation
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to this existing course:
    • OPTBank Module 1 – Banking Institutions and Bank Risk Management
    • OPTBank Module 2 – Market Structure, Competition and Efficiency of Banking Markets
5) Seminar in Financial Management (Financial Management III)

On the course of Seminar in Financial Management (Financial Management III) offered at the undergraduate program in Management, there are some modules developed by OPTBANK project that have been inserted in the syllabus of this course.

  • Degree : Undergraduate Program of Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers : Lecturing, discussion and presentation
    • Irwan Trinugroho – UNS (PiC)
    • Atmaji – UNS
  • Method : Lecturing, Discussion, and Presentation
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to this existing course:
    • OPTBank Module 1 – Banking Institutions and Bank Risk Management
    • OPTBank Module 3 – Corporate Governance of Financial Institutions
    • OPTBank Module 7 – Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening
Another pilot project for course/module implementation is also conducted in School of Business and Management – Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB), namely:
1) Advance Financial Planning

It’s an elective course for those who take major in finance. 21% (9 hours) contents of this course are taken from the modules developed by OPTBank Project.

  • Degree : Master and Doctoral Program in Science Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers :
    • Sylviana Maya Damayanti, CFP
    • Subiakto Soekarno, CFP
  • Method : Lecturing and Paper Discussion
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to the course
    • OPTBank Module 7 – Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening
2) Corporate Risk Management

It’s an elective course for those who take major in finance. The syllabus of this course was updated by inserting one module developed by OPTBank.

  • Degree : Master Program in Business Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers :
    • Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono
  • Method : Lecturing and Discussion
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to the course
    • OPTBank Module 1 – Banking Institution and Bank Risk Management
3) Financial Planning

It’s an elective course for undergraduate students who take major in finance. 21% (9 hours) contents of this course are taken from the modules developed by OPTBank Project.

  • Degree : Undergraduate Program in Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers :
    • Sylviana Maya Damayanti, CFP
    • Subiakto Soekarno, CFP
  • Method : Lecturing and Discussion
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to the course
    • OPTBank Module 7 – Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Financial Deepening
4) Financial Risk Management

This is an updated course consist of approximately 45% changes based on modules developed by OPTBank Project.

  • Degree : Master of Science in Management
  • Credit : 3 Credits
  • Lecturers :
    • Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono
  • Method : Lecturing and Discussion
  • Course Syllabus : (download here)
  • Notes: Some of the modules has been inserted to the course
    • OPTBank Module 1 – Banking Institution and Bank Risk Management
Fintech UNS

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Jl. Ir Sutami No.36 A, jebres, Surakarta, Central java 57785