Our services

UNS Fintech Center provides services according to our experts competency among others:

Econometrics model consultation Unit

In preparing an analysis to test the hypothesis as a research focus and problem formulation, econometric modeling is an analysis tool that researchers can employ. However, most researchers still find difficulty in selecting models and lack comprehension of the use of econometric software such as Stata and Eviews. UNS Fintech Center provides a consultation unit for econometric modeling to help researchers find appropriate models and analyses for their research.



System design and WPAP development Unit

System design is a process to draw, plan, and create by combining separate elements into unity to explain how a system is formed.
WPAP is an illustration art that applies geometric lines into crossing forms and contrasting colors to create exciting textures. UNS Fintech Center provides services for these purposes with our expert staff.




Webinar & Conference Organizer Service Unit

Technology development emphasizes the development of virtual activities such as webinars and conferences. UNS Fintech Center provides services for managing these virtual events.




Online and offline Survey Consultation Unit 

A survey is an unavoidable step to meet completeness in research. Many researchers are still finding difficulties in conducting online and offline surveys for their study.  UNS Fintech Center provides consultation services for online and offline surveys.



Research service Unit

Research is conducted to find a scientific explanation for an issue and is widely performed by educational institutions, particularly universities. UNS Fintech Center provides research services to support research activities in developing solutions for the existing problems.



If you are interested or need our services, please contact us at:


Fintech UNS

Library Building, 2nd floor, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Jl. Ir Sutami No.36 A, jebres, Surakarta, Central java 57785