
1) OPTBank Summer School for PhD Students

Summer school for PhD students of Indonesian partners for two weeks in Europe. Each year, 6 PhD students will attend the summer schools organized in Europe (Limoges, Rome, Crete). The content of the summer schools’ courses will depend on the specific research skills of each team organizing the event. Among others: Financial Intermediation and Banking Regulation, Financial development and economic growth, Empirical methods in banking and finance research, Advanced quantitative methods and programming.

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6 PhD students from Indonesia attend 2018 OPTBank Summer School Program at Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy.

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6 Ph.D students from Indonesia attend international conference during their 2019 OPTBank summer school program at Universite de Limoges, France

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2021 OPTBank Summer School program hosted by Technical University of Crete was conducted online because of Covid19 pandemic.

2) OPTBank Junior Faculty Member Research Training

Research training in the European universities for 8 junior Indonesian faculty members (lecturers holding a master degree and who will take a PhD) during the first two years of the project. They will first attend a specific Research Training Program in Banking and Finance to be administered at the University of Limoges during 2 weeks. After that, each junior researcher will spend 6 weeks in a partner European university. During their stay, they will work on a research project and will be co-supervised by a European researcher and a senior Indonesian faculty member.

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8 Junior Faculty Member from Indonesia join 2018 OPTBank Junior Faculty Member Research Training program at Universite de Limoges, France. Muhammad Yusuf Indra Purnama, one of the researchers from Center for Fintech and Banking Universitas Sebelas Maret is one of the selected participants.

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8 Junior Faculty Member from Indonesia join 2019 OPTBank Junior Faculty Member Research Training program at Universite de Limoges. Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho represents Universitas Sebelas Maret in this program.

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Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho (right) from Universitas Sebelas Maret and Deni Pandu Nugraha from Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah visit Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy during 2019 OPTBank Junior Faculty Member Research Training and Visit program.

3) OPTBank Senior Faculty Member Research Visit

Research visits of senior Indonesian faculty members. Each year, 6 Indonesian senior faculty members will spend one month in Europe. The aim is to improve the research exposure of senior faculty members at the international level by developing research collaboration (some of them involving junior faculty members), research mentoring and participation in paper presentations in research seminars in European institutions. These visits will also be the occasion for European and Indonesian researchers to exchange on the management of PhD programs and research activities.

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Prof. Doddy Setiawan (left) from Universitas Sebelas Maret and Dr. Moh. Rianto Al Arif from Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah are selected to participate 2018 OPTBank Senior Faculty Member Research Visit program to Universite de Limoges, France.

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Dr. Muhammad Agung Prabowo (right) from Universitas Sebelas Maret and Dr. Arief Mufraini from Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah join 2019 OPTBank Senior Faculty Member Research Visit program at Universita Degli Studi Roma Tre.

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2021 OPTBank Senior Faculty Member Research Visit program conducted online during Covid19 pandemic.

4) OPTBank Exchange Best Practice

Exchange of best practices between European and Indonesian administrative staff in charge of the management of research activities and PhD programs will be organized in the 4 European universities.

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Rectors (from left) from Universitas Sriwijaya, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Tanjungpura and Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah are having photo session with Prof. Amine Tarazi during the Exchange Best Practice program in 2018 at Universite de Limoges, France.

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6 Delegations are selected to participate in 2019 OPTBank Exchange Best Practice program at Bangor University, UK.

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2021 OPTBank Exchange Best Practice program is conducted online because of Covid19 Pandemic.

5) OPTBank Community Services

The community service program conducted by ITB and UNS via online and/or hybrid due to pandemic Covid19. It aims to improve financial literacy and financial inclusion to the society.

There are 3 community services programs conducted by UNS and ITB during OPTBank project.


Webinar “The new normal of financial literacy”. This program was conducted by ITB through online platform at June 25, 2020. The speakers come from academic staff/lecturer – School of Business and Management ITB, namely Dr. Subiakto, CFP, Dr. Sylviana Maya Damayanti, CFP, and Dr. Ahmad Danu, CFP. With the tagline “Boost your life skills during Covid-19 Pandemic”, This webinar was attended by almost 150 participants and opened to public.


Capacity Building “Implementation of digital regional financial management : Digital Transformation in Public Finance”. This program was conducted at June 10, 2021 at Syariah Hotel, Solo attended by Salatiga City Government Officer. There 3 invited speakers from UNS Fintech Center (Dr. Aldy Fariz), Faculty of Economics and Business UNS (Dr. Taufiq Arifin), and Financial Consultant (Sutaryo, M.Si, CA,) and 35 Participants joined this workshop which 19 participants are local governments from salatiga city.


Webinar “Webinar Peer to Peer Lending and Future Challenges”. This webinar was collaborated with Indonesia Entrepreneurs Association (APINDO). Dr. Irwan Trinugroho (Chairman for UNS Fintech Center), Anto Prabowo (Indonesia Financial Services Authority), and Nurdin Setiawan (General Manager-HRM PT Pan Brothers, Tbk) are invited as a speaker to deliver the material about funding access for SMSEs, credit crunch, and P2P Lending. This webinar was attended by almost 87 participants.

6) OPTBank InfoDays

Info Days is organized mainly to disseminate the result of the OPTBank project activities to Indonesian universities. It involves participants in various OPTbank activities, such as Research Training Program, Research Visit Program, Summer School, Workshop to Design New Modules, and Exchange Best Practice.

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OPTBank Info Days invites participants from previous OPTBank Programs to share their experience and how they implement their new experience to their institutions and research.

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OPTBank Info Days attended by more than 80 participants through online platform.
7) OPTBank Final Conference

The Final Conference of Erasmus+ CBHE OPTBANK titled OPTimizing Research & Doctoral Programs in BANKing and Finance in Indonesian Universities was held virtually via Zoom from 7th-9th September 2021. It was attended by representatives from European and Indonesian partner universities, and associated partners which include regulators and policymakers such as the OJK (Financial Services Authority), Bank Indonesia (Central Bank of Indonesia) and Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation.

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Erasmus+ OPTBank Final Conference
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Virtual Photo Session with all invited speakers and European partner universities
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Final conference was attended by more than 500 participants.
Fintech UNS

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