Fintech Update – Tuesday, 25 May 2021 Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta and PUI-PT Fintech and Banking (UNS Fintech Center) held UNS Digital Innovation Festival 2021 as a closing ceremony of UNS Digital Innovation Challenge; a student competition that invited international student’s innovation and creation in the digital era amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The Digital Innovation Challenge was participated by students from various countries in Asia and offered a total prize of 5,000 USD. The grand closing ceremony started at 07.00 pm (UTC+7) and was held through the Zoom Cloud Meeting and live-streamed in UNS Fintech Center Channel, viewed by at least 300 participants.

The event was opened by the Rector of UNS Surakarta, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho, followed by a signing ceremony for an MoU between UNS and Global Fintech Institute President, Prof. David Lee Kuo Chuen. A representative from the Ministry of Cooperative and Micro and Small Business of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Rulli Nuryanto, delivered a short speech and appreciation from the Miniter of Cooperative and Micro and Small Business for the UNS Digital Innovation Festival. The competition is expected to improve students’ and people’s creativity in developing innovative ideas as the motor of economic activities amid the digital era. Another remark was delivered by the Financial Service Authority (OJK) representative, Mr. Imansyah, the Deputy Commissionaire of OJK Institute and Digital Finance, who shared his support toward digital transformation and its role in Indonesia’s economic recovery.

The overall event was led by Elizabeth Sudira as an MC and Albert Yuwono as the moderator for the talk show with Mr. Paul Schulte, Mr. Dannarjaya, and Mr. Taufiq Arifin, discussing the existence of the global fintech industry. Participants were entertained by Olla Rossa, who sang several songs in between the event. Participants also have an opportunity to join Kahoot! Game and won a special prize from the event committee.

Before the closing, Elizabeth Sudira announced the winners of the UNS Digital Innovation Festival 2021. The winner of creative video, quick pitch, visual presentation, and the main winners. The webinar was attended by national and international participants, which is expected to promote UNS at the international level. Fintech Media Team