Author: UNS Fintech Center
17 Juni 2021
UNS Fintech Update – On Thursday, June 10, 2021, a community service event was held by the Center for Excellence in Fintech and Banking (PUI-PT UNS Fintech Center) with a series of events themed “Capacity Building Pelaksana Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah secara Digital Kota Salatiga.” This time, the event was conducted offline at Syariah Hotel Solo, during which attendees strictly adhered to health protocols such as maintaining distance, washing hands before entering the room, and wearing masks. Participants joining this event included students, Salatiga City government employees in the health sector, and the community.
The event was opened with remarks by the Director of Cooperation, Development, and Internationalization (DKPI), Dr. Irwan Trinugroho. At the event, there were three materials presented by Dr. Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Sutaryo, SE., MSI., AK., CA., CRA., CRP, and Dr. Taufiq Arifin, M.Sc., CA, Ak, CRA. The first material discussed the Erasmus+ OPTBANK program and New Normal of Financial Literacy. This was followed by an explanation of material by Mr. Sutaryo, who conveyed information regarding the articulation of BLUD puskesmas financial reports, starting from the role of BLUD financial reporting in terms of accountability, transparency, and the Laporan Perubahan Saldo Anggaran Lebih. Mr. Sutaryo also explained that the purpose of BLUD financial reports includes presenting information for users to assess accountability and make economic, social, or political decisions. In addition, the articulation of financial reports was also explained based on benefits and among types of financial reports such as balance sheets and others.
Next, the second material was delivered by Dr. Taufiq Arifin, M.Sc., CA, Ak, CRA, CRP, who elaborated on the analysis of BLUD puskesmas financial reports. This material involved dissecting BLUD puskesmas financial reports, starting from notes to the financial statements, cash flow statements, equity change reports, SAL change reports, balance sheets, operational reports, and budget realization reports. It was also supplemented with case examples and problem formulations that could provide a real picture to the attendees.
Participants of the Capacity Building Pelaksana Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah secara Digital event included representatives from the government, including puskesmas, the health department, and RSUD Salatiga City. The implementation of this agenda was a community service agenda funded by the LPPM UNS community service fund, which could benefit the community as demonstrated in today’s event.
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