Dive into a repository of cutting-edge research that drives global financial innovation. Our Journal Publications feature peer-reviewed studies published in Q1-Q3 Scopus-indexed journals, addressing topics such as fintech regulation, Islamic finance stability, and digital MSME empowerment. Notable works include:
These publications are cited by policymakers, academia, and institutions like the Indonesia Financial Service Authority (OJK) and the European Central Bank.
No | Title | Author | Journal |
1 | Do oil price fluctuations affect the inflation rate in Indonesia asymmetrically? | Goh Lim Tye, Siong Hook Law, Irwan Trinugroho | Singapore Economic Review 2022, 67(4), pp. 1333–1353 |
2 | Competition in dual markets: Implications for banking system stability | Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Amine tarazi, Irwan Trinugroho | Global Finance Journal Volume 52, May 2022, 100579 |
3 | Dynamic linkages among transparency, income inequality and economic growth in developing countries: Evidence from panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) model | Poh San Chia, Siong Hook Law, Irwan Trinugroho, Jamal Wiwoho, Sylviana Maya Damayanti, Bruno S. Sergi | Research in International Business and Finance 2022, 60, 101599 |
4 | Adoption of digital technologies for micro and small business in Indonesia | Irwan Trinugroho, Putra Pamungkas, Jamal Wiwoho, Sylviana Maya Damayanti, Teddie Pramono, | Finance Research Letters Vol 45 102156, March 2022 |
5 | The impact of government nonmarket policy on a firm's financial performance: a lesson from COVID-19 pandemic lockdown's policy | Brahmana, R.K., Doddy Setiawan, Irwan Trinugroho | Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration |
6 | Busy commissioners and firm performance: evidence from Indonesia | Irwan Trinugroho, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Mamduh M. Hanafi, RadityaSukmana | International Journal of Emerging Market Vol - , Feb 2022 |
7 | Foreign institutional investors and dividend policy in Indonesia | Sangapta Damarjati Purba, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Muizzuddin Muizzuddin & Muh. Rudi Nugroho | Journal of Asset Management 23, pages 235–245 (2022 |
8 | Islamic Organization and the Perception of riba (Usury) and Conventional Banks Among Muslims: Evidence From Indonesia | Burhanudin Harahap, Tastaftiyan Risfandy | SAGE Open Volume: 12 issue: 2, May 2022 |
9 | Weathering the COVID-19 storm: The case of community banks | M Kabir Hassan, M Sydul Karim, Shari Lawrence, Tastaftiyan Risfandy | Research in International Business and Finance Volume 60, April 2022, 101608 |
10 | Human Capital and Open Innovation: Do Social Media Networking and Knowledge Sharing Matter? | Lyna Latifah, Doddy Setiawan, Y. Anni Aryani, Isfenti Sadalia, Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif | Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 2022, 8(3), 116 |
11 | The Impact of Characteristics of the Board of Directors on the Timelines of Corporate Internet Reporting Index of Companies in Indonesia | Kiswanto, Doddy Setiawan | Indian Journal of Corporate Governance 2022, 8(3), 116 |
12 | Determinants Of Factors Affecting the Amount of Fees for Audit Services | Arum A, Doddy Setiawan | Quality - Access to Success 2022, 23(187), pp. 271–279 |
13 | REPUTATION-BASED DISCLOSURE AND COST OF CAPITAL: THE ROLE OF CONTROLLING OWNERSHIP | Evi Gantyowati, Abdul Rohman, Tarmizi Achmad, Doddy Setiawan | International Journal of Business and Society 2022, 23(1), pp. 359–370 |
14 | Water disclosure in the agriculture industry: Does stakeholder influence matter? | Doddy Setiawan, Aditya Pandu W | Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 337, 130605 |
15 | The Determinants of Local Government Performance | Doddy Setiawan, Jaka Winarna | Quality - Access to Success 2022, 23(186), pp. 93–97 |
16 | Role of Family Ownership in the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance | Doddy Setiawan, Andi Asrihapsari, Rayenda Brahmana, Harumi Puspa Rizky | Complexity 2022, 2022, 1318875 |
17 | Micro and small business risk-taking behaviour: does religion matter? | Ibrahim Fatwa Wijaya, Bambang Setiaji, Linggar Ikhsan Nugroho | International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 45/2022 |
18 | Impact of goodwill on capital structure and the moderating role of investors' education | Oli Ahad Thakur, Bany-Ariffin Amin Noordin, Bolaji Tunde Matemilola, Md. Kausar Alam, Doddy Setiawan | Managerial and Decision Economics 25/01/2022 |
19 | Are transactional political connections more valuable to firms than relational political connections? | Taufiq Arifin, Rezaul Kabir, Katherin Marthon, Sutaryo Sutaryo | Economic and Political Studies 01/07/2022 |
20 | Timeliness of Local Government Budgeting in Indonesia: Do Internal Audit Function and Political Factors Matter? | Sutaryo, Salawati bin Sahari, Shaharudin bib Jakpar, Shopee Sulong bin Balia | International journal of Econimics and Management Volume 16(1), 65–81: 2022 |
21 | Government Ownership of Banks: Implication for minority shareholder | Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Laetitia Lepetit, Amine Tarazi | Economic Modelling 16 (1): 83-94 (2022) |
22 | Does High Market Power Benefit Government Banks? Evidence from an Emerging Country | Jopinus J Saragih, Aldy Fariz Achsanta | International Journal of Economic and Management Volume 112, July 2022, 105842 |
23 | THE PERFORMANCE OF INDONESIAN ISLAMIC RURAL BANKS DURING COVID-19 OUTBREAK: THE ROLE OF DIVERSIFICATION | Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Desti Indah Pratiwi | Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Vol. 8 No. 3, Augustus 2022 |
24 | Internal Audit Function and Public Service Quality: Evidence from Indonesian Local Governments | Sutaryo, Salawati binti Sahari, Shaharudin bin Jakpar, Sophee Sulong bin Balia | Public Administration Issues 2022, (5), pp. 110–133 |
25 | Effect of Financial Development on Innovation: Roles of Market Institutions | Irwan Trinugroho, Siong Hook Law, Weng Chang Lee, Jamal Wiwoho | Economic Modelling 103/2021 |
26 | Is Spin-Off Policy an Effective Way to Improve Performance of Islamic | Irwan Trinugroho, Wimboh Santoso, Rikianto Irawanto, Putra Pamungkas | Research in International Business and Finance 56/2021 |
27 | Adoption of digital technologies for micro and small business in Indonesia | Irwan Trinugroho, Putra Pamungkas, Jamal Wiwoho, Sylviana Maya Damayanti, Teddie Pramono | Finance Research Letters Article In Press |
28 | How has the Indonesian stock market performed during Covid-19 outbreaks? | Josephine Yau Tan Hwang, Taufiq Arifin, Doddy Setiawan, Y Anni Aryani | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
29 | CEO Characteristics and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Indonesian Banks | Nurmadi Harsa Sumarta, Muhammad Agung Prabowo, Prihatnolo Gandhi Amidjaya, Edy Supriyono, Agista Putri Prameswari | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
30 | Do Social-Economy Vulnerability Indeks and Poverty Index Have Correlation? | Suryanto, Ratih Kumalasari, Danur C. Guritno, Nugroho Saputro, Sabar Marniyati | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
31 | Rural Bank and Regional Economic Development: Evidence from Indonesia | Jamal Wiwoho, Nugroho Saputro, Putra Pamungkas, Irwan Trinugroho, Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Fransisca Sestri Goestjahjantie | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
32 | Banks’ Liquidity Management Dynamics: Evidence from Indonesia | Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Irwan Trinugroho, Evan Lau, Bruno S. Sergi | International Journal of Emerging Markets 2021 |
33 | Is transactional political connection more valuable to firms than relational political connection? | Taufiq Arifin, Rezaul Kabir, Katherin Marthon, Sutaryo Sutaryo | Economic and Political Studies |
34 | Related bank deposits: Good or bad for stability? | Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Tastafiyan Risfandy, Putra Pamungkas, Irwan Trinugroho | Eurasian Economic Review 2021 |
35 | Financial Technology and Bank Risk: a Cross Country Study | Nugroho Saputro, Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho, Irwan Trinugroho | International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics 28/2021 |
36 | CEO’s Social Capital and Performance of Zakat Institutions: Cross-Country Evidence | Muhammad Fahmi Syakir, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Irwan Trinugroho | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 31/2021 |
37 | Women in a dual board system and dividend policy | Timotius Radika, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, and Leo Indra Wardhana | Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 2021 |
38 | How rural banks respond to monetary transmission via bank lending channel? | Nugroho Saputro, Irwan Trinugroho, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, AM Soesilo, Putra Pamungkas | International Journal of Economics and Management |
39 | Performance accountability in Indonesian local governments: Does monitoring really work? | Muhtar, Taufiq Arifin, Sutaryo | International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation Volume 2 (2)/2021 |
40 | Government Internal Control System and Local Government Administration Performance: Evidence from Indonesian Local Governments | Jaka Winarna, Muhtar, Sutaryo | Public Finance Quarterly |
41 | Dynamic linkages among transparency, income inequality and economic growth in developing countries: Evidence from panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) model | Poh San Chia, Siong Hook Law, Irwan Trinugroho, Jamal Wiwoho, Sylviana Maya Damayanti, Bruno S. Sergi | Research in International Business and Finance 60/2022 |
42 | Does a Foreign Board Improve Corporate Social Responsibility? | Doddy Setiawan, Rayenda Khresna Brahmana , Andi Asrihapsari and Siti Maisaroh | Sustainability 13/2021 |
43 | Board Remuneration and Risk-Taking in Islamic Banks | Galuh Aristika F, Djoko Suhardjanto, Akhmad Akbar S., Tastaftiyan Risfandy | International Journal of Economics and Management 5(1)/2021 |
44 | Deposit structure, market discipline, and ownership type: Evidence from Indonesia | Irwan Trinugroho, Putra Pamungkas, Mochammad Doddy Ariefianto and Amine Tarazi | Economic Systems Vol 44/2020 |
45 | The Effect of Competition and Capacity on Intermediation Cost: A Cross Country Study | Irwan Trinugroho, Mochammad Doddy Ariefianto, Rindang Widuri and Edi Abdurachman | International Journal of Economics and Management 2020 |
46 | Can Innovation Improve Income Inequality? Evidence from Panel Data | Siong Hook Law, Wei Theng Lau, and Naseem N. A. M, Irwan Trinugroho | Economic Systems 2020 |
47 | Loan growth, capitalization, and credit risk in Islamic banking | Wahyoe Soedarmono, Muhammad Sobarsyah, Wahdi Salasi April Yudhi, Irwan Trinugroho, Ari Warokka, and Sigid Eko Pramono | International Economics Vol 163/2020 |
48 | Competition and stability in the credit industry: banking vs. factoring industries | Marta Degl’Innocenti, Franco Fiordelisi, and Irwan Trinugroho | British Accounting Review Vol 52/2020 |
49 | Depositors’ trust: Some empirical evidence from Indonesia | Halim Alamsyah, Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Herman Saheruddin, Seto Wardono, Irwan Trinugroho | Research in International Business and Finance Vol 54/2020 |
50 | Equity Financing at Islamic Banks: Do Competition and Bank Fundamentals Matter? | Irwan Trinugroho, Tastaftiyan Risfandy,Burhanudin Harahap, Arif Rahman Hakim, Sutaryo and Linggar Ikhsan Nugroho | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2020 |
51 | What Determine Loan Rate and Default Status in Financial Technology Online Direct Lending? Evidence from Indonesia | Wimboh Santoso, Irwan Trinugroho, and Tastaftiyan Risfandy | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2020 |
52 | Islamic banks’ equity financing, Shariah supervisory board, and banking environments | Celine Meslier, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, and Amine Tarazi | Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Vol. 62/2020 |
53 | Dual market competition and deposit rate setting in Islamic and conventional banks | Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Amine Tarazi, and Irwan Trinugroho | Global Finance Journal 2020 |
54 | Business strategys – MSME performance relationship: innovation and accounting information systems as mediators | Lyna Latifah, Doddy Setiawan, Rahmawati and Y Anni Aryani | Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2020 |
55 | IFRS, Family Ownership and Earnings Management in Indonesia banking industry | Doddy Setiawan, Fauziah Md Taib, Lian Kee Phua and Hong Kok Chee | International Journal of Economics and Management Vol 14/2020 |
56 | Value relevance of realized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities | Retno Yulianti, Ari Kuncara Widagdo, Doddy Setiawan and Bambang Sutopo | Journal of International Studies Vol 13/2020 |
57 | The effect of audit committee characteristics on earnings management: The case of Indonesia | Doddy Setiawan, Lian Kee Phua, Hong Kok Chee, and Irwan Trinugroho | Afro-Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol 10/2020 |
58 | Could risk, corporate governance, and corporate ethics enhance social performance? Evidence from Islamic bank in Indonesia | Hasan Mukhibad dan Doddy Setiawan | Indian Journal of Finance Vol 14/2020 |
59 | Introduction to symposium: recent development in finance and banking in emerging market | Irwan Trinugroho, Siong Hook Law, Doddy Setiawan, and Muhammad Agung Prabowo | Emerging Market Finance and Trade Vol 56/2020 |
60 | Transactional and relational approaches to political connections and the cost of debt | Taufiq Arifin, Iftekhar Hasan, and Rezaul Kabir | Journal of Corporate Finance 2020 |
61 | Impact of goodwill on capital structure and the moderating role of investors' education | Taufiq Arifin, Josephine Yau Tan Hwang, Doddy Setiawan, and Y Anni Aryani | International Journal of Business and Society 2020 |
62 | Motives for fixed assets revaluations: empirical study in Indonesian Stock Exhange | Sri Hastuti, Bambang Sutopo, Ari Kuncara Widagdo and Doddy Setiawan | International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research Vol 4/2020 |
63 | Gender and conservatism: A cross-countries study | Putri Anindya Listya Purwa and Doddy Setiawan | PSU Research Reviews 2020 |
64 | Balance Scorecard: Is it beneficial enough? A literature review | Ratnaningrum, Y Anni Aryani, and Doddy Setiawan | Asian Journal of Accounting Perspective Vol 13/2020 |
No | Title | Author | Journal |
1 | Do executive compensation and government ownership effected performance banking listed in Asean? | Sihombing, R. N. G., & Setiawan, D. | Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan 26 (2) - 2022 |
2 | Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Pokak Kabupaten Klaten dengan Batik Ecoprint | Aryani, Y. A., Rahmawati, I. P., Gantyowati, E., Setiawan, D., & Arifin, T. | Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (2) - 2022 |
3 | Perubahan Nama Perusahaan Terhadap Tingkat Likuiditas dan Abnormal Return Saham | Prassetio, Y. H., Setiawan, D., & Mutmainah, M. | Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis 22 (1) - 2022 |
4 | Director experience, management compensation and tax avoidance | Asih, S., & Setiawan, D, | Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia 26 (1) - 2022 |
5 | Does foreign ownership structure increase Indonesian firms’ risk-taking? | Subastian, L. U., & Setiawan, D. | Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 25 (1) - 2022 |
6 | The impact of women's presence on the board of directors on capital structure and company failure risk | Aji, F. R. P., & Setiawan, D. | Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa 15 (1) - 2022 |
7 | Cow Complete Feed: Program Swasembada Pakan Ternak Ruminansia Kelompok Peternak Sapi Desa Pandeyan Kabupaten Karanganyar | Nurrahmawati, A., Arifin, T., Perwitasari, D., Aryani, A., Payamta, P., Gantyowati, E., & Rahmawati, I. P. | Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 4 (2) - 2022 |
8 | Diversifikasi Produk Batik Ecoprint pada Masyarakat Desa Pokak Kabupaten Klaten | Aryani, Y. A., Rahmawati, I. P., Nurrahmawati, A., Payamta, P., & Arifin, T. | Jurnal Abdimas Madani dan Lestari (JAMALI) 9-16, 2022 |
9 | Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Pokak Kabupaten Klaten dengan Batik Ecoprint | Aryani, Y. A., Rahmawati, I. P., Gantyowati, E., Setiawan, D., & Arifin, T. | Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (2) - 2022 |
10 | Beban Kebijakan di BUMN dan Reformasi BUMN | Muhtar, M., & Achsanta, A. F. | Jurnal Manajemen 13 (1) - 2022 |
11 | Credit access and happiness: Evidence from Indonesia. | Purnama, M. Y. I., Rahayu, S. A. T., Mulyanto, M., & Johadi, J. | Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan 26 (3) - 2022 |
12 | Financial Inclusion and Bank Profitability: Evidence from Indonesia | Rakotoarisoa Maminaina Heritiana Sedera, Tastaftiyan Risfandy and Inas Nurfadia Futri | Journal of Accounting and Investment Vol. 23 No. 3, September 2022 |
13 | Islamic banking market discipline in Indonesia | Joko Suliyono & Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Ph.D | Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance 01/07/2021 |
14 | Board of Commissioner’s Structure, Ownership Retention, and IPO Underpricing: Evidence from Indonesia | Doddy Setiawan, Muhammad Agung Prabowo, Irwan Trinugroho, Bany Arifin Amin Noordin | Etikonomi 19(1)/2021 |
15 | The impact of COVID- 19 on the tourism sector in Indonesia | Aninda Restikadewi, Evandi Syahrul Ramadhan, Ayya Agmulia Asmarani Islam | Sebelas Maret Business Review 01/06/2021 |
16 | How did Tokopedia assist economic recovery through the MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic? | Inas Nurfaida Futri, Fifi Afisah, Nugroho Saputro | Sebelas Maret Business Review 01/06/2021 |
17 | Airline strategy during Covid-19 outbreak: A case study from Air Asia | Dyah Nikita Sari, Nur Hayuning Ramadhani, Agista Putri Prameswari | Sebelas Maret Business Review 01/06/2021 |
18 | The use of information technology by restaurants in Joglosemar, the mainstay city of Indonesian culinary | Andi Asri Hapsari dan Doddy Setiawan | Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa Vol 13/2020 |
19 | Islamic corporate governance and performance based maqashid sharia index – study in Indonesia | Hasan Mukhibad, Mahameru Rossy Rochmatullah, Warsina, Rahmawati, dan Doddy Setiawan | Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol 24/2020 |
20 | Accrual earnings management and future performance: evidence from family firms in Indonesia | Edy Supriyanto dan Doddy Setiawan | Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia Vol 24/2020 |
21 | Analisis metode penelitian pada bidang CSR di Indonesia | Aprilia Rahmawati, Beltien Hanny Pramasterina dan Doddy Setiawan | Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol 6/2020 |
22 | Substitution between accrual and real earnings management: The role of independent commissioners and audit committee | Sri Hastuti, Doddy Setiawan dan Ari Kuncara Widagdo | Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 24/2020 |
23 | Gender in Accounting Research: Recent development in Indonesia. | Putri Anindya Listya Purwa, Doddy Setiawan dan Lian Kee Phua | Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis Vol 20/2020 |
24 | Dinamika penelitian sistem informasi akuntansi di Indonesia | Resi Intan Penatari, Doddy Setiawan dan Djoko Suhardjanto | Jurnal Akuntansi Multiparadigma Vol 11/2020 |
25 | Corporate Social Responsibility dan kinerja perusahaan: studi pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index | Y Anni Aryani dan Doddy Setiawan | Matrik: Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan Vol 14/2020 |
26 | Clustering and regional growth in the housing market: Evidence from Indonesia | Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho, Muhammad Yusuf Indra Purnama, dan Laela Rizki Fauzia | Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Vol 24/2020 |
27 | Overtime risk preference and its determinants: Evidence from Indonesia | Muhammad Yusuf Indra Purnama, Linggar Ikhsan Nugroho | Sebelas Maret Business Review Vol 5/2020 |
28 | Local Banking Structure and Firms’ Performance | Rosita Mei Damayanti, Putra Pamungkas | Jurnal Keuangan Perbankan 2020 |
29 | CEO Characteristics and Environmental Performance: Evidence from Indonesian Banks | Nurmadi Harsa Sumarta, Muhammad Agung Prabowo, Prihatnolo Gandhi Amidjaya, Edy Supriyono, Agista Putri Prameswari | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
30 | Do Social-Economy Vulnerability Indeks and Poverty Index Have Correlation? | Suryanto, Ratih Kumalasari, Danur C. Guritno, Nugroho Saputro, Sabar Marniyati | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
31 | Rural Bank and Regional Economic Development: Evidence from Indonesia | Jamal Wiwoho, Nugroho Saputro, Putra Pamungkas, Irwan Trinugroho, Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Fransisca Sestri Goestjahjantie | International Journal of Business and Society Vol. 22, No 3 |
32 | Banks’ Liquidity Management Dynamics: Evidence from Indonesia | Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Irwan Trinugroho, Evan Lau, Bruno S. Sergi | International Journal of Emerging Markets 2021 |
33 | Is transactional political connection more valuable to firms than relational political connection? | Taufiq Arifin, Rezaul Kabir, Katherin Marthon, Sutaryo Sutaryo | Economic and Political Studies |
34 | Related bank deposits: Good or bad for stability? | Aldy Fariz Achsanta, Tastafiyan Risfandy, Putra Pamungkas, Irwan Trinugroho | Eurasian Economic Review 2021 |
35 | Financial Technology and Bank Risk: a Cross Country Study | Nugroho Saputro, Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho, Irwan Trinugroho | International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics 28/2021 |
36 | CEO’s Social Capital and Performance of Zakat Institutions: Cross-Country Evidence | Muhammad Fahmi Syakir, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Irwan Trinugroho | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance 31/2021 |
37 | Women in a dual board system and dividend policy | Timotius Radika, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, and Leo Indra Wardhana | Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking 2021 |
38 | How rural banks respond to monetary transmission via bank lending channel? | Nugroho Saputro, Irwan Trinugroho, Yunastiti Purwaningsih, AM Soesilo, Putra Pamungkas | International Journal of Economics and Management |
39 | Performance accountability in Indonesian local governments: Does monitoring really work? | Muhtar, Taufiq Arifin, Sutaryo | International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation Volume 2 (2)/2021 |
40 | Government Internal Control System and Local Government Administration Performance: Evidence from Indonesian Local Governments | Jaka Winarna, Muhtar, Sutaryo | Public Finance Quarterly |
41 | Dynamic linkages among transparency, income inequality and economic growth in developing countries: Evidence from panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) model | Poh San Chia, Siong Hook Law, Irwan Trinugroho, Jamal Wiwoho, Sylviana Maya Damayanti, Bruno S. Sergi | Research in International Business and Finance 60/2022 |
42 | Does a Foreign Board Improve Corporate Social Responsibility? | Doddy Setiawan, Rayenda Khresna Brahmana , Andi Asrihapsari and Siti Maisaroh | Sustainability 13/2021 |
43 | Board Remuneration and Risk-Taking in Islamic Banks | Galuh Aristika F, Djoko Suhardjanto, Akhmad Akbar S., Tastaftiyan Risfandy | International Journal of Economics and Management 5(1)/2021 |
44 | Deposit structure, market discipline, and ownership type: Evidence from Indonesia | Irwan Trinugroho, Putra Pamungkas, Mochammad Doddy Ariefianto and Amine Tarazi | Economic Systems Vol 44/2020 |
45 | The Effect of Competition and Capacity on Intermediation Cost: A Cross Country Study | Irwan Trinugroho, Mochammad Doddy Ariefianto, Rindang Widuri and Edi Abdurachman | International Journal of Economics and Management 2020 |
46 | Can Innovation Improve Income Inequality? Evidence from Panel Data | Siong Hook Law, Wei Theng Lau, and Naseem N. A. M, Irwan Trinugroho | Economic Systems 2020 |
47 | Loan growth, capitalization, and credit risk in Islamic banking | Wahyoe Soedarmono, Muhammad Sobarsyah, Wahdi Salasi April Yudhi, Irwan Trinugroho, Ari Warokka, and Sigid Eko Pramono | International Economics Vol 163/2020 |
48 | Competition and stability in the credit industry: banking vs. factoring industries | Marta Degl’Innocenti, Franco Fiordelisi, and Irwan Trinugroho | British Accounting Review Vol 52/2020 |
49 | Depositors’ trust: Some empirical evidence from Indonesia | Halim Alamsyah, Moch. Doddy Ariefianto, Herman Saheruddin, Seto Wardono, Irwan Trinugroho | Research in International Business and Finance Vol 54/2020 |
50 | Equity Financing at Islamic Banks: Do Competition and Bank Fundamentals Matter? | Irwan Trinugroho, Tastaftiyan Risfandy,Burhanudin Harahap, Arif Rahman Hakim, Sutaryo and Linggar Ikhsan Nugroho | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2020 |
51 | What Determine Loan Rate and Default Status in Financial Technology Online Direct Lending? Evidence from Indonesia | Wimboh Santoso, Irwan Trinugroho, and Tastaftiyan Risfandy | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2020 |
52 | Islamic banks’ equity financing, Shariah supervisory board, and banking environments | Celine Meslier, Tastaftiyan Risfandy, and Amine Tarazi | Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Vol. 62/2020 |
53 | Dual market competition and deposit rate setting in Islamic and conventional banks | Tastaftiyan Risfandy, Amine Tarazi, and Irwan Trinugroho | Global Finance Journal 2020 |
54 | Business strategys – MSME performance relationship: innovation and accounting information systems as mediators | Lyna Latifah, Doddy Setiawan, Rahmawati and Y Anni Aryani | Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2020 |
55 | IFRS, Family Ownership and Earnings Management in Indonesia banking industry | Doddy Setiawan, Fauziah Md Taib, Lian Kee Phua and Hong Kok Chee | International Journal of Economics and Management Vol 14/2020 |
56 | Value relevance of realized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities | Retno Yulianti, Ari Kuncara Widagdo, Doddy Setiawan and Bambang Sutopo | Journal of International Studies Vol 13/2020 |
57 | The effect of audit committee characteristics on earnings management: The case of Indonesia | Doddy Setiawan, Lian Kee Phua, Hong Kok Chee, and Irwan Trinugroho | Afro-Asian Journal of Accounting and Finance Vol 10/2020 |
58 | Could risk, corporate governance, and corporate ethics enhance social performance? Evidence from Islamic bank in Indonesia | Hasan Mukhibad dan Doddy Setiawan | Indian Journal of Finance Vol 14/2020 |
59 | Introduction to symposium: recent development in finance and banking in emerging market | Irwan Trinugroho, Siong Hook Law, Doddy Setiawan, and Muhammad Agung Prabowo | Emerging Market Finance and Trade Vol 56/2020 |
60 | Transactional and relational approaches to political connections and the cost of debt | Taufiq Arifin, Iftekhar Hasan, and Rezaul Kabir | Journal of Corporate Finance 2020 |
61 | Impact of goodwill on capital structure and the moderating role of investors' education | Taufiq Arifin, Josephine Yau Tan Hwang, Doddy Setiawan, and Y Anni Aryani | International Journal of Business and Society 2020 |
62 | Motives for fixed assets revaluations: empirical study in Indonesian Stock Exhange | Sri Hastuti, Bambang Sutopo, Ari Kuncara Widagdo and Doddy Setiawan | International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research Vol 4/2020 |
63 | Gender and conservatism: A cross-countries study | Putri Anindya Listya Purwa and Doddy Setiawan | PSU Research Reviews 2020 |
64 | Balance Scorecard: Is it beneficial enough? A literature review | Ratnaningrum, Y Anni Aryani, and Doddy Setiawan | Asian Journal of Accounting Perspective Vol 13/2020 |
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