UNS Fintech Center Updates

Digital Innovation Competition 2020 Final: Who is the Winner?

Fintech Update – Center for Fintech and Banking UNS (UNS Fintech Center) held a webinar on    “Start It Up: How to Create Digital Innovation, Collaborate, and Make It Great” through Zoom Cloud Meeting on Saturday (07/11/2020). The webinar participated by 150 participants is a part of the Digital Innovation Competition 2020 series held by UNS Fintech Center.

Yoshia Christian Mahulete led the event as a moderator, and the Chief of UNS Fintech Center, Dr. Irwan Trinugrogo, Ph.D., opened the final event in Digital Innovation Competition 2020. In his speech, Dr. Irwan hopes that this webinar can benefit all participants. A material presentation from the speakers follows the event.

Dr. Taufiq Arifin, as the first speaker, delivered a material on “University Students: The agent of innovation”. He mentioned that students have roles in developing a solution for the issues in the community. “University students are the foothold for the community in solving problems surrounding them, the economic, social, and other issues,” Dr. Taufiq stated. Following Dr. Taufiq’s presentation, William Suryawan, Co-Director of Startup Grind, delivered his material on “Create An Innovative, Valid, and Sustainable Product”. He shared eight points of creating innovative products and how to implement student’s creative ideas. “It is not only about ideas, but it is also about making ideas happen”, William said. Erik Hormein, the Head of Investment, BRI Ventures, delivered the third material on the funding from venture capital for startups in the form of equity. He mentioned that startups with a high-risk match with the funding criteria from venture capital.

After the material presentation, participants have an opportunity to submit questions. The discussion between participants and speakers showed great enthusiasm from both parties. The webinar was concluded with an announcement for the winners in the Digital Innovation Competition 2020, as follows:

First Place
 Sekoa: OkFix Solusi Barang Rusakmu
 Team Members: Bernadetta Margarita Adelia Putri Bau, Fransiska Sekar Assisiana, dan Fisko Albatinusa Suwarno

Second Place
 Local Bakerin & Co: Platform Kelas Digital dan Jual Beli Kue Kekinian Online dari bahan-bahan Lokal
 Team Members: Fiska Amanda Mulia dan Dewi Mawaddatus Sholekhah

Third Place
 Doolan: Wisata Praktis Harga Transparan
 Team Members: Muhammad Raharditya dan Afaqih Deaz Tratama

Favorite Team 
Tim Sekoa

Digital Innovation Competition 2020 is a UNS Fintech Center event to nurture student’s innovation in contributing to the rapid development of technology. Through creativity and innovation in digital innovation, students are expected to create a digital product that benefits society. Fintech Media Team